Videos on Behavioral Economics in Business

Video case studies and presentations from top experts on behavioral economics and consumer psychology

List of 14 Videos

Case study
6 Minutes
  • with Sam Tatam

Case Study: How to Prevent Injuries in Factories With Behavioral Science?

Who would believe that painting a glove could increase safety at a factory? Sam Tatam illustrates how a shift in design led to improved workers' safety.

15 Minutes
  • with Oliver Simko

How to Engage Your Audience With a Gamification Design Approach

Oliver Simko explains why people invest so much time into playing games. Then he sheds light on how marketing and communication can adopt these principles to retain consumer attention.

Case study
7 Minutes
  • with Sam Tatam

Case Study: How to Get People to Pay on Time With Behavioral Science?

By decreasing the perceived effort, it is easier to encourage people to complete a task. Sam Tatam explains how a simple nudge increased on-time payments.

Case study
23 Minutes
  • with Tim Houlihan

Case Study: How Small Changes in Rewards Led to a 43% Increase in Employee Productivity

Are cash incentives adequate to increase productivity at work? Tim Houlihan reveals surprising underlying factors which lead to employee motivation.

Gamification to increase job applications
Case study
6 Minutes
  • with Oliver Simko

Case Study: Gamified Campaign in Slovakia for a Hospital

Hospitals are often associated with the word 'serious’. However, Oliver Simko shows us how a hospital in Slovakia employed gamification to increase doctor applications and spread awareness.

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