Behavioral Economics Reports, Ebooks and Guides
Reports and guides full of case studies and actionable insights on how to use behavioral economics and consumer psychology in business
List of 15 Reports & Guides

Salience: The Psychology Behind What Makes Your Offer Stand Out
The word salient describes anything that stands out or is eye-catching. Learn to increase saliency by applying the 3 most well-known strategies.

Choice Overload: How to Use Choice Architecture to Simplify Choosing
Choice overload is the result of having too many options. Simplify the decision-making journey for customers so that they won’t lose motivation in the process.

Reciprocity: What to Give and How to Give It to Make Customer Buy
Get hands-on examples, case studies, and cautionary tales of what not to do. Learn why giving too much can have a negative impact on customer behavior.

Fairness: How to Increase The Perceived Value of Your Products
Fairness matters. No one wants to feel like they’re being taken advantage of. Learn how to use fairness in a way that benefits both your business and customers.

Loss Aversion: The Ultimate Guide to Using Loss Aversion in Marketing
Get real business examples, case studies, and tips to help you use “loss aversion” when creating landing pages; product descriptions, emails; posts, and more.