• How-to Guide
  • by InsideBE

Reciprocity: What to Give and How to Give It to Make Customer Buy

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Get hands-on examples, case studies, and cautionary tales of what not to do. Learn why giving too much can have a negative impact on customer behavior.

What you will learn

We think we know what reciprocity is, and some businesses use it to make customers feel indebted to them because they believe they’ll then return the favor. But reciprocity is more than just: “if you do X, then they’ll give you Y.”

This e-book won’t teach you manners, but it will show you how reciprocity – an exquisite, socially-defined norm – can work wonders for your business. It will provide you with all the how-to’s, plus things to steer clear of

You’ll discover the power of reciprocity; how giving before asking can bring you even higher conversions, plus tips to make it work the best.

Have you ever thought about why you get candy when the waiter brings you the bill? That’s reciprocity at its finest. 

You can work with reciprocity in the same way as restaurants do, no matter what sector you’re in. This e-book will show you the best practices and methods to incorporate reciprocity in your service(s) so that you can attract new customers and keep them coming back for more.

This e-book is packed with hands-on examples, case studies, and cautionary tales of what not to do. You’ll learn why giving too much can actually have a negative impact on customer behavior.

To make sure you get it right, we’ve included ideation prompts: a set of questions that will help guide you through checking whether your marketing strategy is creating a reciprocal response and not a customer’s headache.

Reciprocity Ebook

79 €
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