• by InsideBE

Social Proof: The Undiscovered Power and Hidden Pitfalls of This Well-known Principle

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Read this e-book to know why we all succumb to social proof, and how to use it to your advantage. Learn when to use it to improve your business strategy.

What you will learn

Even if you’re not into arts, you’ve probably heard about the world’s most famous painting – the Mona Lisa. Have you ever thought about why it became so famous? Well, by being stolen

Common logic is that it must’ve been very special and valuable if it was stolen. And since most of us are not art specialists, we think it’s a great piece of art because others think it’s great. This theft was proof that its value was enormous.

The Social Proof ebook brings you the knowledge of how to define the specific rules and contexts in which it makes the most sense to use this very powerful principle. 

Together, we will dive deep into real-life case studies, along with the 5 rules that every business owner should follow. We’ve also added some very useful tips and tricks that we don’t want to keep to ourselves. 

After reading this ebook you will know why we all succumb to social proof, how to use it to your advantage, when you should use it,  and how you can improve your business and marketing strategy.

Social Proof Ebook

79 €
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