Database of Behavioral Economics Interventions

Searchable database of 650+ case studies and interventions from business, public and non-profit sectors

List of 706 Database entries

Free-gift-with-purchase promotion reduced product return intentions

The current research aimed at understanding how to prevent customers from returning previously purchased goods. Thus, they designed a gift-with-purchase promotion and tested whether it has any impact on reducing consumer product return rates.

A simple thank you from the boss had more impact on employees´ productivity than a financial reward

Behavioral economist Dan Ariely designed a series of experiments aimed at understanding what drives the intrinsic motivation of employees.
One of the experiments focused on how to motivate employees to be more productive. They ...

Displaying moral symbols decreased employers´ likelihood to ask their employees to do unethical tasks

Employees are often pressured by their boss to do something unethical (such as not being honest with clients). However, they are afraid to stand up for themselves because they are worried about their position.

Pictures of moral leaders in a café increased customer contributions by $1,83 per plate

One World Café in Salt Lake City is special in ways that customers can decide about the amount of money they were willing to pay for their order. Some of the customers, however, did ...

A small change in printers´ default option at a university reduced paper consumption

Authors tested whether a small change in the default option can change people´s tendency to contribute to saving resources.
At a Swedish university, printers´ default settings were changed from simplex to duplex printing
Due ...

Fighting obesity by including personalized ordering suggestions in receipts

The authors ought to target the unhealthy purchasing behavior of customers at a restaurant chain by designing receipts that included personalized ordering suggestions.
The messages encouraged customers to purchase healthier alternatives such as ...

Regulating consumers´ borrowing costs by the CARD Act

The authors analyzed the effectiveness of consumer financial regulation in the context of the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act of 2009.
The act was based on 1) regulatory limits on ...

Survey participation improved financial decision-making of households

The authors of the current paper examine whether taking a financial survey leads to any changes in household saving behavior.
With the survey acting as a salience shock (driving attention to the aspects that ...

How 3 Changes No One Would Advise Had a Shocking Impact on a Direct Mail Response

Volunteers in the UK handed out empty envelopes in person for a charity. Then, they would collect them again, with the hope of having gained some donation enclosed in the envelope. To increase donations ...

Encouraging healthier food purchases by a “gain-or-loss” program

The authors of the paper wanted to motivate grocery shoppers to make healthier food purchases by a self-control commitment program.
Participants were already enrolled in an incentive program that discounted the price of ...

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