Introduction of a company


Innovia Technology specialises in the front end of innovation working with the best companies in the world to create opportunities for growth. We are proud of the fact that we have built close and deep relationships with companies such as Procter & Gamble, GE HealthCare, Pepsico, and Johnson & Johnson. 

Innovation has to work from every angle, so we work in multi-disciplinary teams that can bring different perspectives together to ensure the best chance of success. The team of world-class behavioural scientists and behavioural designers at Innovia are an integral part of this process.

Their expertise is diverse and includes social and experimental psychology, health psychology, public health, behavioural economics, and neuroscience.

This academic excellence combined with years of commercial experience allows us to get deeper insights into what drives people to do what they do…not just what they say they do. This means we can design products and services that are intuitive and easy to use, that people want and that they will use.

Languages: English, Mandarin Chinese



Introduction of a company
  • Innovia Technology
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