Database of Behavioral Economics Interventions

Searchable database of 650+ case studies and interventions from business, public and non-profit sectors

List of 706 Database entries

Behaviorally-designed messages increased sign-ups to mobile banking accounts

Ideas42 collaborated with financial institutions in aiming to motivate people – especially low-income individuals – in Mali and Madagascar to use digital savings and micro-loan products.
Thus, they designed behaviorally-informed text messages for each ...

Group-incentives motivated employees on their weight-loss journey

Researchers conducted a randomized controlled trial to test the effectiveness of two financial incentives on promoting weight loss.
Participants were employees of the Children´s Hospital of Philadelphia. In the first incentive condition, subjects received ...

Increasing preschool attendance in Uruguay by sending notifications through a mobile app

Absenteeism rates in pre-school programs are relatively high, especially among children in lower socioeconomic areas. To target this issue and therefore increase the performance of children, notifications were sent to parents of children in ...

Increasing account switching rates by sending savers a reminder letter

Consumers often fail to switch to more comparable savings accounts once their interest rate ends, leading to lower returns in the long term. The FCA (Financial Conduct Authority), in collaboration with a large UK ...

Contacting taxpayers through personalized phone calls increased tax compliance

The National Tax Agency of Colombia (DIAN) conducted a field experiment in order to increase tax compliance and reduce delinquencies. Instead of sending out only letters, they randomly assigned tax debtors to a phone ...

Reducing inappropriate antibiotic prescribing through a commitment-poster

To encourage more judicious use of antibiotics for acute respiratory infections (ARIs), researchers tested the effect of a public ´commitment device´.
954 adult patients with ARIs were randomized to either the poster commitment ...

Fenced discounts proved to generate more positive emotions and bigger customer engagement

The current study aimed to investigate consumers´ evaluation and behavioral response to different hotel discount strategies.
An experimental study was conducted where the discount situation was presented in two ways: one where consumers ...

Customers were more likely to repurchase if they perceived themselves as responsible for obtaining a discount

Two studies were conducted to test the extent to which perceiving oneself as responsible for obtaining a discount influences the likelihood of repurchase.
Participants were asked to recall a recent discount purchase they made and ...

Money to spend on colleagues was more effective in motivating employees than paying them with vouchers for themselves

Researchers from BIT wanted to motivate people in the workplace to attend training. They found that making employees feel good about themselves by giving them money to spend on colleagues was much more successful ...

Letting people see the outcome of employees work motivated them to be more productive

Dan Ariely suggested that if employees are aware of the outcome of their work and they know how it is used to help people, it inspires them. An experiment where workers had to build ...

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