Database of Behavioral Economics Interventions

Searchable database of 650+ case studies and interventions from business, public and non-profit sectors

List of 706 Database entries

Discounting the hedonic item of a bundle increased the likelihood of purchase

The current study examined the effect of discount framing conditions on the purchase of bundles of unrelated items (so-called cross-category bundles).
The likelihood of purchasing a bundle significantly increased when the discount was framed ...

More positive evaluation of bundles when presented with partitioned prices

When it comes to pricing a multicomponent product bundle, it is questionable whether the partitioning strategy (displaying a base price and a surcharge instead of an all-inclusive price) or the bundling strategy (offering a ...

Increasing parental involvement by the text messaging program

The study evaluated the impact of a text message intervention called READY4K! that was focused on sending text messages to parents of preschoolers in order to help them support their children´s development.
In ...

Improving recycling behavior of households by placing door hangers on doorknobs

Researchers conducted a field experiment to increase curbside recycling. The intervention consisted of door hangers placed on each household's front doorknob, each presenting different information, dependent on the treatment condition.
Households were randomly ...

Text message reminders to improve adherence to antimalarial treatment

In Tamale, Ghana, researchers evaluated the effect of text message reminders on adherence to ACT (artemisinin-based combination therapy) treatment completion, which is essential for antimalarial therapy.
Patients receiving malaria treatment were randomly assigned ...

Chance of winning $125 as a team motivated members to complete their HRAs

The authors aimed to encourage employees to complete health risk assessments (HRAs). Thus, they examined whether a lottery incentive incorporating regret aversion proves to be more effective than economic incentives (a gift certificate).
Subjects ...

Normative messages on posters increased stair-climbing behavior at a university

Targeting inactivity at work, this study examined the impact of prompting poster messages on employees´ as well as students´ stair-climbing behavior at Saint Mary University.
4 messages were created: injunctive (“Don´t be lazy, ...

Default enrollment to a savings account increased participation by 40%

Researchers reported on an experiment examining why default options impact behavior. 
 By randomly assigning employees to different varieties of a salary-linked savings account, they found that default enrollment increases participation by 40%— an effect equivalent ...

Promoting healthy eating behavior of children through incentives

A field experiment tested whether incentives can create habit formation among elementary-school children.
Children received a token worth $0.25 each time they consumed at least one serving of fruits or vegetables.
The short-run incentive ...

Public social rewards proved to be effective at reducing energy conservation in the workplace

Researchers investigated whether social rewards are more effective at reducing energy conservation than monetary rewards.
Employees of a Dutch firm were rewarded each week for their energy conservation with either monetary (€0 – €5) ...

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